Our son Tom did not handle the Covid enforced lockdowns very well. His mental health and physical fitness were badly compromised, and he lacked the motivation to do even the minimum amount of exercise. We tried to get him to undertake running and walking in our local neighbourhood, but he was not interested. So, we decided to look for a professional trainer to help Tom train and improve his fitness.
Richard lived locally and we discussed Tom’s situation. Richard immediately agreed to take him on as he was keen to help. He considered structured training for Tom would be very beneficial in many ways. Tom started training with Richard for two sessions per week. The effect of the training was immediately noticeable with Tom’s motivation levels improving rapidly to the point that within a couple of weeks he was training on his own in between the formal sessions with Richard. Tom has been training now for about 4 months and both his mental health and physical fitness has improved significantly. It has been a tough regime. Tom is now much happier and is going out and about as lockdown is easing. As parents this transformation has been miraculous to witness. This is all down to Richard and the way he has responded to Tom and encouraged him to motivate himself to improve his level of fitness.
We would not hesitate to recommend Richard who is both knowledgeable and very professional in his work. If anyone is looking to improve their fitness and are prepared to make the necessary commitment then, Richard can help you. You will not be disappointed. Chris and Jan Hardick June 2021
Richard’s tailored training programme and enthusiastic coaching methods have enabled me to go from a non-athletic beginner to completing my first half marathon! The variety of work outs are really fun and enjoyable. They pushed my mental and physical ability which enabled me to find a better and more confident self. Kate Sutherland January 2020
Richard has motivated me not only through his excellent training sessions but also by encouraging me to to look at the food I eat and helping me to improve my diet. I enjoy the variety of the sessions which are buoyed by Richard’s enthusiasm and encouragement. Chris Freeman November 2019
Richard was my personal trainer for about a year , until I moved from the area. I searched the internet for a personal trainer who would keep me motivated and not `be too gentle` in my exercise routines! I particularly wanted help in strengthening my knees and hips and keeping my joints flexible. Richard met all my hopes and wishes; he ensured the PT programme was varied and challenging without making me feel I couldn’t do what was asked of me. Richard was always polite and motivating and I even enjoyed my sessions…are you allowed to do that? Richard was always reliable and a pleasant man to engage with during the PT sessions . I am pleased to have found him and if I had not moved from the area I would still be engaging Richard. Pat McAuliffe April 2019
As a busy mum who travels with work, being able to train in my own home with a bespoke programme has been brilliant and Richard is great at tailoring each work out to my specific goals. What has been even more amazing is that I didn’t need to stop training when I was pregnant with my second child – Richard adapted the programme based on medical advice and research which allowed me to be able to continue training throughout my pregnancy and I always felt safe under careful instruction. Always prepared, always on time and a complete professional, I’d highly recommend Richard to anyone who wants to fit in some regular exercise with a busy life! Beth Mitchel January 2019
I have been training with Richard for about 8 months. I was reasonably fit but want to lose weight and improve my fitness further. It has been a great success. I enjoy the sessions, working much harder than I would by myself at the gym or a workout class. The sessions are well-planned, using a variety of equipment; any improvements I make are recorded carefully which is very motivational. I especially enjoy lifting weights which I had never really done before – Richard is meticulous about position and technique allowing me to increase the weights I lift, whilst feeling very safe. I have lost over a stone in weight and have toned my upper and lower body significantly meaning I am wearing 1-2 sizes smaller clothes. I would thoroughly recommend giving training with Richard a go! Liz Craig Oct 2018
Following breast cancer and breast surgery I wanted to try and regain a new “normal”, so embarked on a program of rehabilitation with Richard. I have gone from strength to strength and the progression I have made over the 18 months has been brilliant. Richard is so professional in all aspects of his business, from the planning he puts in to your session, to the meticulous questions on your health and well-being. Yet with his professionalism comes his approachability, his encouragement and a partnership to success and results! Kate Ellis October 2018
Six months after open-heart surgery, and as soon as I was signed off by my doctor, I was keen to improve my fitness so started working with Richard. At first, I was extremely cautious, but with Richard’s meticulous planning and watchful eye during exercising, my confidence increased and after 6 months my fitness is now back to where it was a couple of years ago. With Richard’s technical and motivation skills, I am now planning to continue on my quest to get to my ideal weight target and to take my fitness to an even higher level. Iain Craig – October 2018
I’ve been training with Richard since August 2017 and have truly benefited from the sessions. I turned 40 this year and felt that it was ‘now or never’ for me to both getting in shape and lose some weight. Richard has supported me with both these goals with his friendly and knowledgeable approach to both the training sessions and food management. Richard’s training session are intensive but manageable, they are always a stretch but never unreachable. I like to understand why we are doing something and Richard always has an explanation and a context for the exercises. Likewise with my weight loss goals, Richard has taken the time to explain the food diary process and then to research other options for my favourite foods, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out. Overall, Richard provides a supportive environment to achieve my goals. He is enthusiastic, caring, knowledgeable and an excellent trainer. Ruth Massie-Rose – February 2018
I didn’t anticipate the multiple benefits that personal training was going to give me before I signed up with Richard of New You. Having had a rather miserable couple of years battling the Menopause I decided to sign up to a personal training program with Richard this April. I had read plenty of articles about menopausal symptoms of achy bones, sleepless nights, weight gain and irritability to name a few and I have to confess I had tried many of the tips and hints to combat the ever-increasing list that was affecting my lifestyle. Exercise and diet were the two common threads running through every Menopause article so having been referred to New You by a friend I embarked on a twice weekly routine of weights and cardio vascular exercise to help strengthen my bones, tone my muscles and generally make me fitter.I have a very full on week with a busy job and busy domestic schedule so initially I wasn’t sure how I was going to fit in a regular exercise routine let alone stick to it but as I prefer to exercise in the early morning and because Richard comes to my house it has given me the time and ideal flexibility to fit my sessions in before my work day starts. With Richard’s expert guidance and encouragement I have gradually built up my strength and ability with the routines he sets and I enjoy and look forward to the challenge at each session. Aside of the obvious muscle ache after a good workout I have not once damaged myself or been in pain which is testament to Richard’s care when planning sessions and his attention to technique during the exercises. My diet on the whole has always been good but Richard gave me advice on some adjustments that I could make to further reduce my intake of fats and sugars by changing brands so with some small tweaks here and there I am benefiting from improved energy levels and weight loss. The diet and exercise go hand in hand and over the past four months I have also noticed a huge improvement in my sleep pattern, my stress levels and my mobility and fitness. I really look forward to my personal training sessions and I’m thrilled with the improvements to my health and well being…I genuinely haven’t felt this well or had this much energy for several years. I can recommend it wholeheartedly. Enjoy. Jess September 2017
Richard has rekindled my joy and passion for fitness. I am an ex-personal trainer, and although I have the knowledge of fitness and exercise, I had no motivation, and I was spiralling towards low self esteem and no confidence, and was signed off work with depression in March. All the excuses I had heard as a personal trainer I was using, such as I had no time because I have two young daughters age 6 and 7 years old to look after, a part-time stressful job, and studying. I was also comfort eating and drinking which made me put on weight. I recognised all these signs and when I ran the Bath Half marathon in March and struggled, I knew I needed help to get back on track to feeling fit and healthy again. I am so pleased to have started personal training with Richard, and be the client for a change. Richard identified the key areas I needed to work on, that I had missed myself, and the improvements have been tremendous. I recently ran 3 miles in 35 minutes where previously it had taken me 42 minutes. It’s helped my martial arts where my instructor has noticed a difference. My blood pressure is back to normal, and I have lost 4cm around my waist. Most of all I feel confident, strong, and fit again, and have started to accept my post-baby 40 plus years old body, and love it! I can’t thank Richard enough for helping me not only with my fitness, but with my mental wellbeing too. He is friendly, knowledgeable, professional, and a great personal trainer to work with. The aftercare is great and he’s always got advice. I would highly recommend him to anyone, from an experienced exerciser, ex-personal trainer runner and martial artist like myself, to anyone who hasn’t done any exercise in their life. Catherine Skuse June 2017
I am 75 years young and decided I would like to become fitter for the future so lessening any possible burden on others (hopefully). I wanted training at home as my life is very busy and I like the personal one to one. Richard took plenty of time explaining what he could do and discussing my aims and objectives. I have been having sessions with Richard since the beginning of March and can honestly say I have enjoyed each session and feel it does me the world of good. He explains the exercises very carefully and methodically puts me through my paces taking care to see I am doing them correctly and that they are having the desired affect! I trust him with his programme and he ensures that I progress each week and do not get bored. I hate going to the gym but I look forward to my sessions with Richard. I can thoroughly recommend Richard who will treat you with respect and professionalism. Gloria Mortimer May 2017
I can thoroughly recommend Richard as a Personal Trainer. He makes me work hard and
challenge myself but also makes it fun to train and improve my fitness.
My fitness goal with Richard is to increase my strength so we are concentrating on weight-lifting,
each session however includes all aspects of fitness including cardio and flexibility. He is very
careful about my technique and I know I will never get injured as a result. He also gives me precise
notes for my homework sessions so that even when I workout on my own I am following a plan and
he is keeping an eye on what I am doing.
Richard is very knowledgeable and we chat about all aspects of fitness and well-being. He
promotes the fact that the benefits of exercise go way beyond our physical health to also improve,
for instance, our stress levels and self-confidence.
My main reason for working with a Personal Trainer is to enjoy what I do so that I don’t give up.
This is certainly the case with Richard as he seems to have an infinite number of ideas to keep things interesting and fun and no two sessions are ever the same. Ruth Gaunt – March 2017
I’ve been training with Richard since January. He’s taken great care to tailor my fitness plan to me and the goals I want to achieve and is careful to work me through increased levels at a pace that’s right for me and balances my fitness and weight loss goals. He is very patient and is great at adapting his style to work with my differing motivations and moods without compromising the need for me to work through my personal programme every time we meet. He takes the time to explain things and is very motivating in terms of being encouraging and supportive. His aftercare follow up helps me keep on plan during the week as well. I can thoroughly recommend him! Pippa Richardson – March 2017
If you’re like me and have reached your mid 40’s and realised that it is getting even harder to keep the weight off, but also absolutely do not want to go anywhere near a gym, then I would recommend a chat with Richard. Though I have known Richard for 20 years it is only recently that we have started to work together. Almost at the end of my initial 12 week program I have lost weight and feel much healthier. Richard finds a good balance between just pushing me enough so it makes a difference without making me dread each Thursday and Sunday workout! Joe – March 2017